As promised I created some screencasts to hopefully serve as a guide to those of you who would like to use Google Classroom, Doctopus, and Goobric to organize and assess assignments. As I created these. I realized I was using resources that I had gotten from others and I thought you should have access to those as well and I should give credit to the people who made these amazing things.
Dana Lavesque and Randy Stall have great resources on there Instructional Technology Page. Check it out for more info on getting started with Google Classroom Etc.
The amazing Nate Ubowski from Heritage High created this doc for a session at InnEdCo this summer. I refer to it OFTEN for all things Doctopus and Goobric. These tools are amazing but if you don't use them everyday you may forget things and this doc will remind you of what to.
Here are the links to the 3 screencasts I made to help you use these tools.
Getting Started with Classroom
Making a Rubric "Goobric" friendly
Using Doctopus and Goobric
Thank you Julia! Great resources for great tools!